Thursday, March 12, 2009

Situation Reaction Test (SRT)

Situation Reaction Test (SRT) :

In this test the candidates are issued with the booklet of containing around 60 situations to be answered in 30 minutes, which means one not to devote more than half a minute per one situation. The answer should be against the correct serial number. The space for each reaction is limited to three lines. Tips: 1.Be quick in reading the situation and writing your reaction. 2.Maintain a uniform speed right from the beginning, other wise your answering will be in complete. 3.think of the reaction before you write it. 4.Grasp the essential of the situation before you react. i.e., understand the situation. Even if there is some hidden meaning then alone your reaction will be correct. 5.You may use telegraphic language if the reaction is long. 6.It is not the length of the reaction but the substance conveyed that matters. 7.Do not challenge the situation but accept it and react. 8.Don’t be vague in your reaction. 9.Go through the tips of WAT also, which is applicable in this case. 10.Eye should be fast.


Bhavesh Guatam said...

Hi Capt Pradeep... I am Bhavesh Gautam from Bangalore.I am looking for a career in armed forces. I was conference out in my first SSB at Allahabad..I was wondering if you could help me out with some of my doubts and queries regarding the SSB..

Thank You

Sunil Sangwan said...

Hi Capt i m preapring for SSB so pls help me by giving tips

Anonymous said...

I agree with told all above.

Anonymous said...

Bravo, magnificent phrase and is duly

candidates said...

hi, capatain iam 8 times out in ssb
therefore.. my fire is still on..bcz i dont believe in luck..i believe in my effort...after 8 time out i decided that i have to get first job in something then make an attempt..Now iam in DRDO as contract engineer...The reason why i have joined DRDO ..bcz 'DEFENCE".
captain dont mind i have to ask 2 queations from u.
1.I have seen so many candidates in I M A. That they are leaving the academy.But ssb find officer like qualities...Then what is this..where they find officer like qualities in them..who are leaving academy.
2.Also i have seen that candidates get recommended in 10 time.Why they understand in 10th time..That means they he had those qualities..That they want...
Captain these queations are from All candidates like me...please Rep of questions...

Unknown said...

thaks for your information